Team Kumite is a renowned professional kickboxing and sport karate team based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, celebrated for its roster of national, international, and world champion martial artists. This team has earned global recognition and numerous accolades over 25 years. The head coach of the team is Bill Viola Jr., under whose guidance Team Kumite has flourished.
The team traces its roots back to the late 1980s and 1990s, succeeding the legacy of X-Caliber, Pittsburgh’s first all-star karate team. X-Caliber was a pioneering force in sport karate, known for its impressive victories against national powerhouses and for being the first junior team from the region to unify competitors from different schools. This approach was groundbreaking in Pittsburgh, fostering a spirit of collaboration and excellence in sport karate (Kumite Classic)
X-Caliber’s legacy of innovation and success paved the way for Team Kumite’s formation. The latter has continued to uphold the tradition of excellence in sport karate, achieving significant success in major martial arts competitions globally. Notably, Team Kumite and Coach Bill Viola have developed more national, international, and world champions than any other team in Western Pennsylvania. The team competes across multiple martial arts disciplines, including NASKA, WAKO, WKC, AAU, and USANKF, maintaining a dominant presence in the sport karate circuit.