Fall tryouts! Welcome to the squad. 🖤💛
After a tough tryout, we’d like to formally welcome our newest diamonds in the rough! Team Kumite
Left to right: Kenny Rugh, Henry Dorn, Diesel Kurkowski, Dax Carothers, Gavin Shiner, Madelyn Galya
About Team Kumite: KUMITE (組手) is Japanese for “fighting” or sparring. In 1999 Sensei Bill founded Kumite Classic, his signature brand. For nearly 20 years, The Kumite Classic became one of the largest martial arts and fitness expos in the world. He simultaneously founded “Team Kumite” to represent Pittsburgh at the most prestigious martial arts competitions in the world. Since its establishment, no other team in the Greater Pittsburgh Region has been more successful on the open sport karate circuit. We are a homegrown dojo family, that has earned titles with every major sanctioning body. Team Kumite and Coach Bill Viola have developed more national, international and world champions than anybody in Western Pennsylvania. You will be joining a Pittsburgh sport karate legacy!
Eligibility: We are looking for potential! Any student (any age) currently enrolled in sparring class may tryout. The only prerequisites are effort, respect, and a good attitude.
Competition: It’s not how good you are, it’s how great you can be. There are many competitions for beginners and novice members. Students will begin at a state level, then progress through tri-state, national, etc. There are competitions for all ages and ranks to develop. Don’t be intimated, the team will support and guide you through the process.
When: Tryouts take place on Wednesdays @ 7PM (Dates TBA) once per quarter. Student will spar multiple-rounds at different skill levels to test abilities (including a continuous round at the end). Work ethic, heart (determination) respect, and positive attitude are the only prerequisites! You don’t have to be great to start, but you must start to be great!!!